When was the last time you updated your technology? As an employee of an experienced IT Support provider in Atlanta, I can ensure you that between your hardware and software, if you’re still doing business on old technology, you could be putting your business at risk, and it could end up costing you big. As we begin a new year, it’s time to take a closer look at the technology you rely on every...
When it comes to Email Phishing, Small Business Email Phishing prevention starts with awareness. No matter how secure we make your network and systems, you and your employees can still invite a hacker in if you click on a link or open an attachment in an e-mail sent by a cybercriminal. Some spam is obvious (can you say, “Viagra at a discount”?) but others are VERY cleverly designed to sneak past...
Purchase now and Learn How To Protect Your Business From Data Breach, Cybercrime & Employee Fraud.
Superior Solutions own Director of technology, Aldan Berrie has completed his first book on cybersecurity in which he co-authored, including methods of how to protect your business from Data breach, Cybercrime and Employee Fraud. The book is officially released on Thursday, September 18th 2016. And...
Superior Solutions is proud to announce that we have been selected as a Google Fiber Tech partner. Google Fiber's decision to bring fiber optics to Atlanta businesses marks a milestone event to bring unprecedented connection speeds using an incredibly aggressive pricing model that few businesses will be able to pass up!
You should be, unless somebody’s keeping a vigilant eye on it for you! Not too long ago, in a place not so far away...when ancient hordes attacked your city, a single breach in the wall could mean certain death – or at least the end of life as you know it. Yet times change…or do they? Attacks by today’s cybercriminals on your network, while perhaps not physically life-threatening, can inflict...
Want to know more about how to protect yourself from Cryptolocker and increase best practices for Cybersecurity?
Should you outsource, hire internally or do a combination of both? That is a question that you may have to answer by determining which approach makes the most sense for your business. The original definition of outsourcing essentially meant outsourcing to offshore support. This mad rush to lower labor cost often resulted in service from a random level 1 support representative that did not speak...
We specialize in Small business it support and this often consist of matching specific needs to the right technology or application. When you spend your day looking for ways to improve efficiency through the use of technology, you begin to develop a sense for what tools deliver more value than the others. With this article, I present 3 applications that we have found to work well to increase...
Ever had your facebook or yahoo email password hacked? Tired of your friends getting random emails or facebook invites from you that you did not send? Have a hard time remembering complex passwords? This article is for you! With the recent discoveries of security issues relating to heartbleed and openssl vulnerabilities, security experts are recommending that everyone perform the dreaded task of...